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Flutter WillPopScope 사용 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57878887/using-flutter-webview-as-home-and-pressing-back-button-closes-application Using flutter webview as home and pressing back button closes Application I'm trying to use a webview in flutter as my home page for my application. Everything loads just fine, however hitting the back button doesn't send me to the previous web page in the webview, it just stack.. 2022. 7. 23.
Flutter android - BuildConfig 사용 https://medium.com/@papered/android-buildconfig%EC%97%90-%EC%83%81%EC%88%98-%EC%B6%94%EA%B0%80%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-7da21607ba6b 안드로이드: BuildConfig에 상수 추가하기 Github에 올라와있는 MovieGuide 예제를 보면서 공부를 하던 중, 아래와 같이 BuildConfig에 접근해서 API KEY를 받아오는 코드를 발견했습니다. medium.com https://codechacha.com/ko/android-buildconfig/ Android - BuildConfig 정보 읽기 및 상수 추가 Android Studio에서 Gradle로 앱을 빌드하면 BuildConfig 클래스가 생성되며, .. 2022. 7. 23.
ddl 무한 대기 https://dataonair.or.kr/db-tech-reference/d-lounge/expert-column/?mod=document&uid=53062 2022. 7. 23.
Flutter flavors 설정 https://cogitas.net/creating-flavors-of-a-flutter-app/ Creating flavors of a Flutter app (Flutter & Android setup) - Musings of a Mobile App Software Developer It’s quite common for a native Android app to use productFlavors to set up several apps from the same source code. So, how easy is this to implement in Flutter? In this code tutorial, we will set up a project with 2 app flavors. Each app .. 2022. 7. 23.
Flutter 웹뷰 패키지 inAppWebView 설명 https://blog.codemagic.io/inappwebview-the-real-power-of-webviews-in-flutter/ blog https://inappwebview.dev/docs/in-app-webview/in-app-webview-controller-methods/ 공식docu 2022. 7. 23.