카테고리 없음 Flutter WillPopScope 사용 by willbsoon 2022. 7. 23. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57878887/using-flutter-webview-as-home-and-pressing-back-button-closes-application Using flutter webview as home and pressing back button closes Application I'm trying to use a webview in flutter as my home page for my application. Everything loads just fine, however hitting the back button doesn't send me to the previous web page in the webview, it just stackoverflow.com https://yj95.tistory.com/249 [j Flutter] WebView 뒤로가기 (WillPopScope사용) 앞서 webview를 추가하는 법을 알아봤습니다. 2020/11/13 - [Flutter] - [j Flutter] Webview 추가하기 [j Flutter] Webview 추가하기 플러터로 webview를 추가해보자. 1. pubspec.yaml 안에 webview_flutter플러.. yj95.tistory.com https://rrtutors.com/tutorials/How-to-Handle-Webview-Back-Button-Event-in-Flutter Flutter Mobile app,Flutter widgets,Jetpack Compose Tutorial,Create Android App,Java,python,Ruby Create Flutter applications,Jetpack Compose Tutorial,Create android application,Python,Java,RxJava,dart,GoLang examples rrtutors.com https://kangtaejin.github.io/flutter/flutter-webview/ flutter android webview backbutton flutter android webview backbutton kangtaejin.github.io 공유하기 게시글 관리 "Will Be Soon" Tech Blog 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 댓글